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When you place an order, we will require your name, e-mail address and delivery address. Without this information we will not be able to process your request or notify you of acceptance of your order. A contact telephone number is also required so that we may reach you if there is a problem with your order, or if your order requires a delivery quote.


We may, unless you advise us otherwise, pass this information to our couriers or other agents in case they need to contact you to arrange the processing or delivery of your order so that you order can be fulfilled. Jessica Jue will not pass on private data to third parties for marketing purposes.


When you subscribe to our newsletter we will only send you information about our company. You may opt out of receiving mailings from us by choosing to unsubscribe from the mailing list – a link to do this is provided on every mailing.


We will always hold your information securely, we also follow stringent procedures to ensure we work with all personal data in line with the Data Protection Act 1998.

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